About Trinity
The good news of Jesus changes everything.
All of our lives flow from the love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The people of Trinity embody warmth, care, and a recognition that we’re all on a journey towards loving God and loving others.
Trinity is a home for weary travelers, for both the convinced and the curious, as we gather to hear good news each week.
This is what we’re all about.
Who We Are
Trinity is a church made up of people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities, meeting together on Sunday mornings, and in homes, coffee shops and restaurants throughout the week.
Each Sunday we meet at the Seventh-Day Adventist building for worship. We listen to God’s word and respond to him in songs and prayer through a rich and historic liturgy. Each week we are welcomed into worship to see the faithfulness of God. We respond by confessing our sin, confessing our faith, and listening to the word preached. We celebrate communion weekly and practice giving to the needs of the church body and surrounding community. We’re reminded each week through the words we say together, the words we sing and the words we hear, that faith is a gift of grace. We are then sent out to love others and the world in whatever sphere God has placed us.
On Sundays, we have a message specific to young children and elementary-aged kids during the sermon. We enjoy coffee and fellowship at the end of each service. We invite you to join us for worship or one of several groups throughout the week.
Please join us!
The church building is on the corner of Osos and Pacific Avenues. The parking lot is on Pacific directly behind the church building.
Though Trinity has been worshipping in SLO since 1995, our roots go back much further. We are part of the Great Tradition of historic Christianity, which is grounded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and is summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America, a family of churches in the reformed tradition whose unifying beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. We deeply value the collaboration, accountability, and visible expression of the gospel that comes through connection to other churches.
If you have any questions or doubts about Christianity, want to learn more about our church, or have a question for one of our leaders, please click the link below to contact us, and we will get back to you right away.